Monday, March 24, 2008
you talking to me?
there is no possible caption good enough for this picture. (although uncle mikey suggested "i'm not fat, i'm big-boned")
tribute to mama liz
so hip, with aviators and a jogging stroller and the cutest accessory of all... AG!
see how much she adores her little girl?!
if only that baby would wake up every now and then to see her mama smiling at her!
my 2 favorite girls in the world...
lots more photos -- soon, very soon
just returned from a wonderful photo-shoot (er, i mean "visit") with ashlynn this weekend. unfortunately, i'm passed out right now and can't post the pictures. like PASSED out hard. learned this from AG actually. so i'll post them as soon as i'm awake, and fed, and have energy...
Saturday, March 22, 2008
2 Month Birthday Party
This is before I realized all I was getting for my birthday was sitting right in front of me. And to think I was patient long enough for Mom to sneak one picture of me?!?!
It's my party...
and I'll cry if I want to...
cry if I want to...
you would cry too...if all your Mom gave you for your birthday was this unlit candle!!!
Friday, March 14, 2008
Monday, March 10, 2008
Dinner Time
This is me after my dinner bottle, just chillin' in my swing...
This is me watching Grandma Estok cook my Mommy and Daddy dinner...Molly looks like she wants whatever it is they're having!!
Sunday, March 9, 2008
Nap Time
They say you aren't supposed to sleep with your child because they may become too attached, seriously who and how could ANYONE pass up an opportunity like this?!?!
Fun at Yia-Yia's...well at least for me!!!
Yo, Tyler...
Who's the bigger cry-baby? That has yet to be decided, but at least I look WAY cuter when I whine!!!
Sunday, March 2, 2008
more highlights from my visit with AG
two thumbs up for AG!
i'm not kidding, this baby can sleep anywhere, anytime, and preferably for 20-22 hours a day.
anthony feeding AG for the first time...
the hardest thing about feeding AG is finding creative ways to wake her up every 5 minutes while she's eating!
she figured out how to stick out her tongue to make funny faces at the camera...
visiting with ashlynn
highlights from visiting with ashlynn this past weekend include:
getting to bathe herwatching anthony bathe her (okay, this was a staged photo op, but still cute)
shopping for ashlynn's first tarheel outfit
watching anthony change ashlynn's diaper (his first time ever changing a baby -- she had a blow out 30 seconds later)