Sunday, June 15, 2008

Meeting My Cousins

Me, my cousins Willa and Hagen, and my Aunt I have waited SOOOOOO long to meet these guys!!!
A BIG hug for Willa...I like her A LOT!!!
Playing on my wiggle worm mat with my cousins...if I was playing on the mat then Hagen would take over and keep it nice and warm for me!
Hagen tried to keep me happy by letting me borrow his "aminal" but I was not satisfied with that...I wanted his sippy cup full of chocolate milk, but he didn't want anything to do with that!!Willa and I hanging out on the couch...she was SOOOO good at keeping me company when all the grown-ups had their hand full!!
And this is what happens to me after a weekend with my they wore me out!!!!!!!!

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